According to majority of professional tarpon fishing guides the Megalops Atlanticus or Tarpon is considered as one of the most famous game fish in the Florida Keys. The reason behind this is that you will find tarpon in the keys throughout the year. From all over the globe, you will see many recreational anglers sitting around the bridges in the Florida keys searching for tarpon with live baits and artificial fishing lures.

In the Florida Keys, you will be able to catch tarpon all around the rear. Therefore it is really hard to say which particular ‘season’ is best for catching tarpon. That is why the good time to catch them can generally last longer than according to the calculations of most fishermen and keys tarpon fishing guides. There are times that more likely to be favorable in order to spot and target the tarpon, whereas, during the winter season, it can be a little challenging to spot any tarpon. This is due to the fact that tarpon doesn’t like cold weather, which is why there are fewer chances that they show up.

I prefer February to start my hunt for tarpon because some years are much better than others.  Still, I don’t recommend others to come specifically in this month because the possibilities of cold fronts still remain to be pretty high, which is not suitable for tarpon. Nevertheless, if the conditions are suitable, like the warm temperature of the water, then there are chances to see some fish around.

However, there will be nothing wrong to say that April, May, and June are considered to be the best months to catch tarpon in the Florida Keys. This is the most favorable time when you will notice tarpon moving in the direction of the ocean. These months are said to be the prime months for the migration of tarpon.

I also like to fish around in the month of July, the late days of June also works fine for that matter. You will see that during this time of the year, the recreational anglers and guides will be present near the shores of the Florida Keys as there are fish in the ocean around this time as well. You can hook them more easily due to the reduced pressure, however landing them is a different story.

If you want to catch baby tarpon, then you can consider the summer and the fall season. You can find them in the oceans due to the fact that the cold fronts start in the late of October and November, and during this time, the water temperature goes down to 60 degrees. I also find that the Everglades back country near Flamingo is filled with the baby Tarpon, and can tell you that there are many experienced Tarpon anglers that actually prefer Fly Fishing Flamingo for the baby Tarps.

The answer to the question, which is the best time to catch tarpon, remains unanswered because you can catch them all through the months, but it is hard to find them.

Therefore to be precise and to sum up, I would say that if I have to recommend any particular months, then I will say that from the beginning of late days of January and February, you can find tarpon in the Florida Keys all through April, May, June, and July. If you have any questions about catching Tarpon or would like to book a Key Tarpon Charter, click here and I will be happy to respond.